一般社団法人  雲雀丘安田邸プロジェクト
Association of Project for Yasuda Residence in Hibarigaoka


Our Mission

Our Mission

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The Hibarigaoka district of Takarazuka City, Hygo Prefecture, was built as a suburban residential area next to Osaka during the Taisho era,when heavey industry developed and the city was called Great Osaka.

Mr.Ichizo Kobayashi the founder of Hankyu Corporation,build the railroad taracks. it is wonderful area that is said to have become the prototype of Denenchofu,and was initially developed mainly Mototaro Abe,and is partially home to Tatsunosuke Takasaki,the first President of Electric Power Development.

Unfotunately Yasuda residence in currently off limits for disaster prevension reasons, but the "Takasaki Memorial Hall" and the "Shoji Residence"(both nationally registered tangible cultural properties) are now open.

Many people moved to this area because they admired it, but due to the changing times, such as the requision of 35 buildings(1946-1952) as a residential area for GHQ's  high-class officers after the war,,and inheritance issus,etc. The number of buildings has decreased and the original landscape has changed.
However, thanks to the passionate efforts of the people in the area, we have managed to maintain the original landscape until now.

Yasuda Residence is a 4 minutes walk along a line of palm trees from Hibarigaoka Hanayashiki Station on the Hankyu Takarazuka line, and is located at a key location in this area.This is a Japanese taste western-style building built in 1921. It is also a Qeen Anne style building.

to be continued.